It’s official. Finished PBP

After months of prep, PBP 2011 is now in the books and so are Felkerino and me, successfully completing the adventure in about 81.5 hours.

Overall, it was a highly civilized ride for Felkerino, friend Jon G., and me. Yes, even with the hours of cycling through lightning storms.

And regarding those storms, I just want you all to know that my parents did teach me better than to ride through lightning. That was a little ridiculous, I admit.

I’m already brimming over with great ride memories. Felkerino and I had a fantastic ride. It was a fine mix of cycling, friendship, undulating terrain (though I would have happily foregone all the chipseal), and food (let’s hear it for bowls of coffee and mashed potatoes in the morning!!). Lots of forward momentum, but few moments feeling rushed. I could not have asked for more.

I am the luckiest stoker in the world to get to ride with Felkerino!

I hope those at home enjoyed following us on the Twittosphere and the “fantasy PBP” rider tracking. Your tweets to us kept us inspired and moving forward. They meant so so much. Thanks, everybody!

Congratulations to all who rode PBP this year. Now we figure out how to get home as Hurricane Irene swirls up the East Coast.

More to come. In the meantime, be safe, my Washingtonian friends!





Responses to “It’s official. Finished PBP”

  1. Caroline

    Fantastique! You really did it. So cool. Congratulations! Looking through your images now…


    1. MG

      Thank you thank you! And my paisano cap saved me in all the rain… Kept my glasses and my noggin comfortable.


  2. Janice in GA

    Congratulations!!!!! I’ve been watching for your ride report. I can’t do mega-distance like y’all, but when I rode 60 miles last Sunday, I was thinking of all the PBP riders starting out. I rode a tiny way with y’all in spirit. 🙂


  3. Russell Morris

    Great job Ed & Mary.!! I really enjoyed following your progress on the interweb. I fell like I rode PBP vicariously through you guys. Have a safe trip back to DC and try to avoid the hurricanes & earthquakes.


  4. Lisa

    Congratulations, you guys! It was great to keep up with your Twitter reports. I hope someday to experience PBP– it sounds like it was a blast!


  5. Cathy (Mom)

    Mary, great plan. Go to Paris, ride your bicycle, miss earthquake, miss hurricane. I appreciate the worry free days.


  6. George

    Great job! You should be very proud of your achievement!!


  7. Bill Russell

    Hey! I took that picture; I’m glad it captured the moment so well.


    1. MG

      Bill, so glad you did! I realize that I totally spaced getting a pic of the finish! I have a couple good pics of you, too!!


  8. Dan Diehn

    Great Job Ed and Mary-
    You guys looked really relaxed and like you were enjoying the ride when I saw you just east of Brest. It was a pleasure meeting both of you.


    1. MG

      Dan, great to meet you and Heather, too! Hope you enjoyed the ride as much as we did… incredible!!


  9. Randy Mouri

    Do you think Ed can make a coffee bowl attachment for the bike? Congrats to both of you! It sounded like a spectacular trip. Can hardly wait to read the rest of the stories and see all the pics. You two rock!


  10. Olle

    Congratulations, to your PBP. I saw your in Sizuan, on my way back.
    My time was only 86:?? hours.

    It was nice to meet you before my start.

    Olle on his brown VO PassHunter


    1. MG

      It was so great to meet you, Olle!! Here are a couple of pics I took, and I know Ed has some too:

      Felkerino and Olle

      Olle's VO Pass Hunter


  11. Alec



    1. MG

      Thanks, Alec!!! Your encouragement along the way meant so much! Hope to see you soon.


Comments & questions welcome. Keep it civil, por favor!