The Gift of Slowness

Felkerino in the Bluegrass Valley

I seldom experience slowness in the city. I rush around every weekday morning, I try to arrive at my office on time, and I work diligently throughout the day. I make post-work plans to meet up with others at a certain time, and lots of my day is scheduled.

The tours and rides Felkerino and I have done this year have reminded me of what a gift slowness can be. Our timetable is based on where we plan to end our ride and when the sun will set. Sundown pace, I like to call it.

These rides allow complete immersion into simple pleasures.

Farmer's market strawberries in Shepherdstown, WV
Farmer’s market strawberries in Shepherdstown, WV

You can pick the “best” fresh organic strawberries from the farmer’s market.

Wild blackberries
Wild blackberries

Even better, when the blackberries are in season you might get lucky and find a patch, just perfect for you.

Lemonade stand
Lemonade stand!

You can take the time to support a small business,

Fine dining in the countryside

Or you might choose to indulge in fine dining with your friends.

Yeti and Salsa at Sheetz
Yeti and Ti Salsa at Sheetz

You have time to stop and inspect the cool bikes that rolled in at the Sheetz.

Appalachian Trail thru hiker packs
Appalachian Trail thru hiker packs

You can pause to chat with the Appalachian Trail hikers and see how their journey has been.

Max, touring from D.C. to Denver
Max, touring from D.C. to Denver

Going slow lets you help a lost tourist with directions, and you even have time for a group photo.

GAP and C&O in 2 days
GAP and C&O in 2 days

You might also meet ambitious riders who are covering big distances in a few days, like these two guys, who were riding both the Great Allegheny Passage and the C&O in two days.

Felkerino and a meadow outside Shepherdstown

Slowness allows you to savor each moment, goof around a little, and experience the area you’re riding through on a more intimate level. Slowness is exactly what I needed on my bike rides this year.

Responses to “The Gift of Slowness”

  1. Adam C. Henderson

    Looooooove it my friend! Would love to have a group of friends who would ride like this together. You are truly blessed!


  2. freewheel

    Well said, and great pictures too! I also stop for fresh strawberries and kids’ lemonade stands.


  3. Crystal Bae

    GAP and C&O in two days? Whew!


  4. ultrarunnergirl

    Great photos — I especially like the one with the strawberries in the helmet.
    Finding wild blackberries is a wonderful treat out there on the trails. You must have a sharp eye to spot them from the saddle.

    I have dreams of riding the GAP … time to go bike shopping for a suitable steed!


  5. mujozen

    Awesome. I concur! I wanna do the C&O GAP soooo badly!!!


  6. pencilfox

    when i think upon you and your life, i have often wondered if you ever slow down. now i know you do!


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