On Your Marks: Coffeeneuring Challenge Prep Materials!

October 11 is right around the corner, and that means go time, so I hope you are all making your 2019 Coffeeneuring Challenge plans now.

But wait! There are a few things I want to share with you before you roll away into this year’s challenge.

Control Cards

Thanks to Doug of Umbrella Works, we now have Coffeeneuring Challenge control cards. These are not mandatory at all, but may be helpful for those who like to document along the way using a method we used frequently in olden times. It’s called pen and paper. Or pencil and paper, if you are from very olden times. If you are unfamiliar with this method, just ask me or another randonneur or coffeeneuring veteran. We can show you the pen (or pencil) and paper ways.

Control cards come in two sizes: half-letter; or A5 (5.83 × 8.27 inches). This link will take you to the dropbox folder of all materials in this post.

Coffeeneuring Challenge Flyers

Have you ever tried to share the news of the Coffeeneuring Challenge with other people or businesses? It’s riding your bike to coffee – only more! And with many rules! And…

Describing the Coffeeneuring Challenge can be a somewhat difficult thing to explain to someone on the fly. This year Doug has created Coffeeneuring Challenge flyers that we can readily share with anyone who is interested.

These, like the control cards, are downloadable and printable so feel free to use and distribute as you like. That said, please always ask permission before posting any flyers. We aim to stay in the good graces of the hands that feed us.

Find the flyers here, or again, just head to the full dropbox folder here.

Banners and Avatars

Want to really get into the spirit of the 2019 challenge? Use this year’s design as your avatar! And you can also use the header image like the one I am currently featuring on the Coffeeneurs Facebook Group.

If you’re on Twitter and want a banner that is custom-sized to that platform, we have one for you!

I leave it up to you to decide whether to use the avatar prior to finishing the challenge. It could be like wearing the race t-shirt for an event you didn’t finish, but there is no doubt in my mind that you will finish the 2019 Coffeeneuring Challenge!

Once again, that’s…

A million thanks to Umbrella Works for the designs. I look forward to kicking off all the Coffeeneuring Challenge goodness with you this Friday, October 11!

Responses to “On Your Marks: Coffeeneuring Challenge Prep Materials!”

  1. peter g baker

    I can carve a stamp for this!


  2. adventurepdx

    Reblogged this on Urban Adventure League and commented:
    Ooh, I like this “paper reporting” development.


  3. BruceT

    The bit.ly/2019Coffeeneuring/ link did not work for me


    1. MG

      Bruce this link should take you to all materials mentioned in the post: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/e2pyu6wszil5lrj/AACWaftZfK7uXwQc_Urp64Bva?dl=0


  4. digitaldivider

    The bit.ly/2019Coffeeneuring/ link did not work for me 😦


  5. There’s a neur for that | Church of Rotating Mass

    […] in the Washington DC area, but coffeeneuring has spread around the world! And this year there are cards and other promotional materials – and how awesome is that […]


  6. Rich Upjohn

    Why is Coffeeneuring not huge!?!?!? I always called it Coffee Crawling.


Comments & questions welcome. Keep it civil, por favor!