PBP 2011 Ride Reports from Other Blogs

Hi, everyone. What have you been up to? I’ve been living the post-PBP dream, which mostly entails going to my job, dreaming about randonneuring, and recalling fun times at PBP.

Felkerino has begun to post some good PBP accounts over on The Daily Randonneur to help keep the PBP memories alive. I’ve also been doing some internet sleuthing of my own, seeking out other people’s PBP 2011 experiences, and came across a few standouts to share.

Roger en route to Carhaix
  • Rick Cosaro, of Chicago, has a thoroughly entertaining report of his first PBP attempt and his battle with Shermer’s neck over at his blog, Chasing the Endorphins.
  • A rider from the Westerly Cycling Club of West London shares the highlights of his PBP here.
  • Chris Ragsdale, of the Seattle Randonneurs, was the first U.S. finisher. His speedy account is at Seattlepi.
  • Tony Lonero, originally from Pennsylvania and now residing in Italy, writes about his MS diagnosis and his third PBP at UltraRaceNews.
  • A London participant writes about the expectations he had about PBP and whether the ride lived up to them on Stuff what I see and do.
  • An enjoyable writeup of the sights and sounds of PBP at the Bike Maintenance Company’s blog.
  • Rapha rider James Fairbank says never again to PBP. Find out why at the Cycling Tips Blog.
  • A Montana randonneur tells his tale of PBP at Belgrade Bobcat. Note the photo of our own Tom Reeder near the end of the account!!
  • A Seattle randonneur posts an engaging summary of the highlights of his ride over at If I Had a Bike Blog.
  • Flickr buddy Fabiorandonneur writes up his PBP story at his blog, Randonneur e dintorni. Sadly, it is in Italian so I can only muddle through the basics of his account and enjoy the photos (especially the one that includes Felkerino and me)!
  • John Lee Ellis posts a concise summary with good pics over at Colorado Brevet Series.
Courage!!! Guy Soudiere
I hope you enjoy them. Have one to add? Feel free to do so in the comments. Now it’s my bedtime. Think I’ll find a good PBP story to cap off the evening.

Responses to “PBP 2011 Ride Reports from Other Blogs”

  1. Mike Wali

    Awesome Mary…thank you.


  2. Rick

    Thanks Mary for the plug. Best.


  3. Bob

    This is a very moving account of one rider’s experience during the time frame of Thai Pham’s tragic accident.



  4. fabiozen

    Thanks Mary to post my blog! Sorry for the italian version only 😦


  5. Bill Watts

    Many thanks for collecting these stories; I’ve enjoyed reading them all.

    Bill Watts
    Frame No. 4463


  6. MG

    Thanks to everybody who wrote such fine PBP accounts!! And thank you, Bob, for the referral to the rider account that passed Thai’s accident scene.


  7. Jason Karp

    Thanks for posting a link to my PBP report. I too enjoy reading any and all PBP accounts!

    Jason Karp
    Bozeman, MT RBA


  8. Chris Heg

    Here is a link to my report. Enjoy.



    1. MG

      Chris, enjoyed your story, especially your photos! Thank you for passing it along!


  9. Amy Scrivner

    My husband rode PBP in 2011 for the first time. I traveled with him and we kept a blog, taking turns with entries. And, we just bought our plane tickets for PBP 2015. I would love to read more blogs from the spouse’s perspective. Check out my post, “When the Other Woman is a Bicycle.” Cheers! http://www.ourpbpadventure.blogspot.com


    1. MG

      Thanks for sharing your blog link, Amy. My husband and I ride together so the ride preparation and execution is something we share as randonneurs.

      I’m interested in your perspective, because I am curious how it works for couples where one person rides brevets, but the other does not. It takes significant effort and time (not to mention cost) to prepare for something like PBP.


Comments & questions welcome. Keep it civil, por favor!