Errandonnee 2015 Preview

Errandonnee fans and scenesters! Cold and snow are here, and soon the Errandonnee will also join us.

Save the Dates: March 5 – March 16, 2015
12 days.
12 errands.
30 total miles.

Complete rules to follow in a couple weeks. The rulemaking panel is currently in negotiations to reduce them from 50 to a more manageable number.

In the meantime, here is a preview of the UPDATED Errandonnee categories to help put you in the Errandonnee mood. They have been revised based on previous participants’ feedback.

The intention behind these changes is to broaden the categories as well as update them to suit the diverse errand-drive life of errandeurs everywhere.

1. Personal Care
2. Personal Business
3. You carried WHAT on your bike?! (Thanks to Rachel C. for this suggestion!)
4. Arts and Entertainment
5. Non-Store Errand
6. Social Call (includes restaurants, coffee, and other social activities)
7. Work
8. Store (includes bike shop, grocery store, etc. You know, a store)
9. Wild Card (surprise me!)

Imagine the grand errandonneuring times that await us! Just a few more weeks.


Responses to “Errandonnee 2015 Preview”

  1. rachelcannon4

    Thanks for the shout-out! I can’t wait to do this!


  2. aem2

    *rubs hands in glee*


  3. ldmay2014

    Oh no. I’ll be on travel 3/7-15. Looks like some biking in FL (3/13-15) could happen but it isn’t likely at Big Sky! Can I do all 12 in two days?

    My heart will be leaden at missing both Coffeeneuring and the Errandonnée.


    Sent from my iPhone which sometimes has a mind of its own.



    1. MG

      Rules to come, but yes, you can do as many errands per day as you want. So you can still Errandonnee!


  4. Kent Peterson (@kentsbike)

    If I do all my errands by kick scooter will it count?


    1. MG



  5. Jimmy Phoenix

    Oh, we’re gonna have some fun with category #3!


    1. Jone

      Oh no. Not again. Please. Not. THAT. Again!


  6. Tregg Harltley

    This will be fun.


  7. ultrarunnergirl

    YAY!!! This is not only something I look forward to every year, it also means Spring is almost here!


  8. rosielovescajeta

    Getting excited!!


  9. Lynda

    I was injured and couldn’t ride for the last (2014) coffeeneuring so I’m super excited to join in the errandonnee challenge!


  10. anniebikes

    Oh, something to live for! Bring on the big mother load of warmer weather…


  11. Red

    Yaaaa! I was sure my knee surgery would knock me out of Errandonnee this year, but I was wrong! This is one of those times I like being wrong.


  12. Joan

    Looking forward to the “event” and the new outline of rules. Studying the rules always keeps me on my toes, or pedals as the case may be.


  13. michelleplesko

    I am so excited. This year I have both a bike and a blog, and I can’t wait. With four kids, #3 is automatic 🙂


  14. redeyedtreefr0g



  15. Jim Dinneen

    Can now view blog. With all the snow in Boston area, it will be May before I can ride a bike.


  16. ianmac55

    Reblogged this on CTC Northampton and commented:
    From the excellent MG at Chasing Mailboxes


Comments & questions welcome. Keep it civil, por favor!