The Always Be Coffeeneuring Club

Do you ride your bike to drink coffee or tea? Or even hot chocolate? Do you not care about rules, or perhaps not care for rules? Are you in training for the upcoming coffeeneuring season?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you might be want to join the Always Be Coffeeneuring (ABC) Club. Requirements to be part of the ABC Club are as follows:

  1. You ride a bike;
  2. You occasionally use a bike to ride to a nice beverage, particularly coffee; and
  3. $5 for an Always Be Coffeeneuring patch ($6 if you are outside the U.S.).

Membership in the Always Coffeeneuring Club means that you are part of the greater community of coffeeneuring. 

Always Be Coffeeneuring Club members know no coffeeneuring season. You coffeeneur in summer, fall, winter, whenever it suits you, wherever it suits you. Coffeeneuring is your lifestyle.

You also receive an embroidered patch designed by Umbrella Works and made by Falls Creek Outfitters. (Really, the Always Be Coffeeneuring Club is all about the patch.)

How do you join? Send $5 via PayPal to coffeeneur “at” International members please send $6 total to cover the additional mailing fee. Be sure to include an address so I know where to mail your patch.

That’s all you have to do and voila! You are an official member of the officially unofficial Always Be Coffeeneuring Club.

Membership open until it isn’t! ABC!

Responses to “The Always Be Coffeeneuring Club”

  1. adventurepdx

    Will coffeeneuring only be for closers? 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. MG

      Ha ha, yes! The official Coffeeneuring Challenge = only for closers!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. kbikeva

    Love this! Would it be possible to have the brilliant design(s) put on small stickers? Then we can adorn our various coffeeneuring steeds on an annual basis. I love my patch but I’m afraid to sew it onto something because my (ahem) taste and needs in bags for biking varies widely. (In other words, I can’t decide which one to put it on!) I would be SO willing to pay for stickers!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Caleb

    I sense a Glenn Gary Glenn Ross tie-in here.
    “Ride on the line which is dotted!”
    “Coffeneuring is for closers!”
    “First prize is a Coffeneuring patch. Second prize, a patch kit. Third prize, you’re fired!”
    “My bike cost more than your car, pal.”


    1. MG

      Good catch on the Mamet connection, but it’s purely coincidence I assure you! The Always Be Coffeeneuring Club is no Glengarry Glen Ross affair, although it is funny to juxtapose the two 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. G.E.

    Love the patch (though I’m a sucker for patches… and stickers… anyway)! Beautiful design.


  5. 2bikesborg

    There are a lot more pubs here than coffee shops, particularly if you’re boycotting Starbucks. The lovely patch looks like it might be a beer mug; how far can you stretch coffeeneuring?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. mujozen

    I just ordered via paypal!


    1. MG

      Just prepped your patch for mailing! Thanks!


  7. aimeechauvot

    Assuming Alaska counts as US orders, right? One must always check…


    1. MG

      Yes, absolutely…

      Liked by 1 person

  8. aem2

    Does it count if you are drinking coffee/tea *while* you are biking? I use my mug holder and travel mug daily on my commute…

    Liked by 2 people

  9. nancy

    Hi Mary — I just joined by pay pal. Thanks for the opportunity ;’-).


  10. Ryan

    In Mamet-ese, we’d be having conversations like, “Will you get some coffee? Will you? Will you please? Will you get some coffee?”
    I just joined. I’ll be looking forward to receiving my patch. You will send it, won’t you? Won’t you send it? My patch? Won’t you? Won’t you send it?

    Liked by 1 person

  11. vagabondron

    Is there a way to join without using PayPal. Long boring story, but I don’t like PayPal.


    1. MG

      Sure. Send me a note via the Contact tab


      1. MG

        Oops, the issue was on my end. I emailed you so hope you received that…


  12. Jay

    I’ve been coffeeneuring all this time without knowing it was a thing! Glad it’s a thing. Just sent you a Paypal to get an official patch!


  13. Jade Kelsey

    I love this club.

    Coffee and bikes are my favorites 🙂


  14. rosemary769

    Hi there, I just ordered a patch to be sent to Canada. So looking forward to being part of your network!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. SilverFox

    Just discovered your site and this word ‘coffeeneuring’ thanks to I ride a bike, I ride to cafes to drink coffee …and tea .. and occasionally beer do I qualify to join?


    1. MG

      You are an ideal candidate for the Always Be Coffeeneuring Club!


      1. SilverFox

        Yey for me! I guess I need a badge and somewhere to stick it 😉


  16. NuitsBlanches

    Just signed up, thanks! I second the sticker idea – and what about a Walz cap with the logo? (OK, OK, I can see where things get toooo complicated…)


  17. ajft

    Coffee? cycling? what’s not to like about that! I’m surprised I haven’t seen this before, but had to join for 2017. Cheers from Melbourne, Aus.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Samishrunner

    Hey, so excited! That is the coolest patch ever. Seriously stoked.


  19. bluegear

    Still available? I’m late to the party but wanna sign up for the ABC. Can I?


    1. MG

      You’re right on time… still available!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. bluegear

        How about you set one aaide for me and ship it with my Coffeeneuring thingy when the Challenge ends? Is that cool? I can pay early.


    2. MG

      I’ll set one aside for you, and you can just pay for both at the end, if that works. Thanks!


      1. bluegear

        That’s great! Thank you!


  20. Ben

    I only just realized that Coffeeneuring is a thing. My wife and I spend most every Saturday riding to find coffee! I’ll be sending off for my patch for sure, as well as participating next year.


    1. MG

      Excellent! I will send an ABC patch your way this weekend.


  21. Aaron Taddei

    ABC Patches and club membership still available?


    1. MG

      Yes, still available!


      1. Aaron Taddei

        Great, Payment Sent!


  22. Barb Chamberlain (@BarbChamberlain)

    Super belatedly, are these still available?


    1. MG

      Yes, I still have them!


  23. Trish

    Hi Mary, I would love to join the ABC Club (have joined the Strava group) and represent you in Adelaide, South Australia. Are the patches still available? If yes, I’ll send payment via PayPal.
    Is the coffeeneuring challenge running this year? Cheers, Trish.


    1. MG

      Hi Trish! Yes ABC membership is ongoing and I still have patches. Yes I plan to have the Coffeeneuring Challenge this year, adapted as necessary.


      1. Trish

        Terrific! I’ll send thru my details and payment to join the club 🙂


  24. Hike 27: Santa Rosa Mural Meander | 2m2t

    […] suggested walking to a coffee shop (ABC!) but then I decided we needed a theme or something, so I made it a mural meander. Many of them I […]


  25. lenny02112

    Is The Club still accepting members?


    1. MG



Comments & questions welcome. Keep it civil, por favor!