
Errandonnee 2021: Hyperlocal Edition

Big news, friends! After a lengthy hiatus the Errandonnee returns in 2021. This challenge is for bike riders, runners, and walking enthusiasts everywhere!

It’s been a tough year for us. Some walked and rode bikes to relieve stress and explore close to home. Others kept working stalwartly throughout. I’d like to continue this close-to-home exploring through the Errandonnee. Originally conceptualized for utility cyclists and pedestrians with errands to do, we’ve modified this year to encompass different sorts of trips. I hope you will try it!

The short version of the Errandonnee is:

Errandonnee: Complete 12 errands in 12 consecutive days, and ride, run, and/or walk a total of 30 miles. This year, you pick the 12-day stretch that works for you. Must be between April 15 and June 30. 

The term “errandonnee” is a hybrid of “errands” and the French word “randonnee.” String 12 errands into one long ride (or run, or walk) interrupted by sleep and other diversions, and you have an Errandonnee. It’s that simple!

You are not limited to riding a bicycle. You can run, walk, or ride your way to the Errandonnee finish line – or any combination of the three.

You don’t get words with triple double letters very often, so how can you resist participating in the Errandonnee?


Below are the 9 Errandonnee categories in order for you to plan your Errandonnee:

  1. Discovery (See something new while you’re out and about!)
  2. Helping Hand (This can be however you define it – helping a person, helping the environment, you get the idea)
  3. History Lesson
  4. Non-Store Errand
  5. Personal Business
  6. Personal Care
  7. Public Art
  8. You carried WHAT?!
  9. Wild Card (Any trip that does not fall into any of the above categories. Surprise me!)

There are a few rules. I think after you read them you will find this challenge quite manageable.


  1. Complete 12 errands by bike and/or your two feet between April 15 through June 30, 2021.
  2. You choose the 12-day window that works for you, but complete your 12 errands within a 12-day span. For example, if you start your Errandonnee on May 1, you must complete your challenge by May 12.
  3. You can complete all 12 errands in one day, do one errand per day, or whatever combination that works for you, but all must be completed at the end of your 12 consecutive days. I say stretch it out a little, if you can, just for the enjoyment.
  4. Track your errands and miles. (I only need the cumulative number of miles you completed for the entire Errandonnee and the categories used, NOT the distance per errand.)
  5. Total cycling, running, and/or walking miles must be at least 30 over 12 days. (You can go multi-modal, and combine running, riding, and walking. Note the total number of miles completed overall. You can estimate, it’s not that serious.)
  6. Complete all 12 errands by the end of June, and use at least six categories. Each category may be used a maximum of two times. For example, you may count a Personal Care ride a total of two times.
  7. To evidence your errand, take one photo during your outing or some other proof of your trip. You can share your Errandonnee in the following ways:
    • The Errandonnee Facebook Group.
    • The Errandonnee Strava Group.
    • If you have a blog, you can post them there and send me the links.
    • You may also use a site like flickr and link me to your photos.
    • Instagram! Hashtag #errandonnee
    • Tweets! Hashtag #errandonnee (I’m a terrible tweeter, but promise to check on all Tweeps!)
  8. Earth Rule. All participants must be from somewhere on Earth.
  9. Have Fun Rule. If the Errandonnee stresses you out or makes you feel some kind of way, please stop. This is designed to be fun – we need more of that right now – and if you are not having fun then please do not continue. If you like it, then keep going!


  • Deadline to submit your Errandonnee is around midnight in your area, July 10 or so, 2021. Email me when you’ve finished (gersemalina “at” gmail “dot” com). Tell me the 12-day timeframe you chose, total mileage, and where you’ve posted your errands. I’ll verify them.
  • Everyone who successfully completes the Errandonnee is eligible for a prize, which is $6 total, including shipping. International entries pay $7. To purchase your prize, you may PayPal me at the gmail address above, or send your money by snail mail like grandma used to do (email me for my address). Please include an address with your submission so that I may mail your Errandonnee treasure.

If you have a blog and write about your Errandonnee, please let me know in the comments so we can follow along!

Additional questions?

Ask in the comments of this post or send me an email.

Mark your calendars. I hope you join the Errandonnee Challenge. Let’s explore the hyperlocal places our bikes and feet can take us.

Responses to “Errandonnee 2021: Hyperlocal Edition”

  1. tnelson654

    I love the rule changes for 2021, thanks! With “helping hand” I can incorporate our newfound interest in plogging. And with “history” I now have an excuse for stopping and yelling “wait up, I want to take a photo of this old thing… whatever it is.”


    1. MG

      That’s awesome! I actually thought of adding plogging as an example. Thanks for the feedback on the new categories!


    2. bikiegirl

      Thank you for the new vocabulary word. I had to look up “plogging” — great sport!


  2. rootchopper

    I am having a hard time getting my extrovert hat to fit after a year of social distancing so I appreciate the creative changes you’ve made to the categories.


    1. MG

      Yeah me too! We gotta do what’s in our comfort zone right now.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. John

    I’m so glad this is back! I’m looking forward to the “public art” and “history lesson” categories, especially since my town has added a lot of things relevant to both of those recently. This gives me a good excuse to check them out by bike now.


  4. Errandonnee 2021 | LocoJoe Bikes

    […] Mailboxes Errandonnee […]


  5. Take It Away Errandonnee – WeLove2Bike!

    […] this year, dubbing this the “Hyperlocal Edition”. The full details can be found here, but the upshot is to complete 12 errands in 12 consecutive days, and ride, run, and/or walk a […]


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